The Australian curriculum center of Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group is the ACT overseas school directly supervised and evaluated by the BSSS, our school adopts the high school courses of ACT (region belonging to the capital Canberra) which are the official high school courses and diploma certificate in Australia and one of the national course standard projects of the western government officials ensured by the western education law in China currently.
As the city having the highest education level in Australia, Canberra is not only the capital of Australia but also the location of the Australian federal government as well as lies in the special area of capital territory of Australia (ACT), besides, it owns comprehensive and excellent educational resources. Owing to its position in national importance, Canberra can be said to be a global city owing multi-culture population, which attracts the students from Australia and the world as well as the first-class scholars from all over the world to come for learning.
After the students enter the school, they register for the official high school roll (the personal information of the students will be input into the Ministry of Education of Canberra) of the Ministry of Education of Canberra-the capital of Australia, have the same legal position with the local students and share the qualified educational resources and official entrance green channel; all the foreign teachers are directly appointed by the Ministry of Education of Canberra and will hold the position after the training and recognition of BSSS, besides, excellent bilingual teachers will be equipped from the domestic to be the assistants thus to help the students adapt to the transition among the language, knowledge and skill and make improvement.
Cultivation goal
We devote ourselves to provide the lifetime education chance of “facing the world, cognizing the world, changing the world and facing the future, adapting to the future and creating the future” for the families and children in the whole world. Cultivate the students with the “learning capability, leadership capability, innovation capability, critical thinking ability, cooperation and common development capability, cognition and discovering unknown capability, cooperation and innovation capability” and the scientific capability such as “responsibility spirit, responsibility awareness, propositional thinking, vision of the world and overall viewpoint”, provide the education of comprehensively humanistic quality, training as well as support and services for the students.
管理模式Management mode
The school establishes the international education management leading team to take charge of handling the teaching work and coordinating the daily affairs. The school will inherit the schooling idea of “managing strictly, building good school spirit, pursuing high quality and creating characteristic”, persist in the schooling policy of “guided by moral education, paying attention to process, cultivating capability and carrying forward specialties” of the international class, cultivate the “patriotic, aggressive, hardworking, helpful and able-bodied “modern Chinese” with international view, build the “standard, dedicated, comfortable and perfect” international schooling.
师资配备Teaching staff
The Chinese courses are taught by the teachers from China and other disciplines are conducted by foreign teachers in an English environment, meanwhile, there are bilingual teachers from China arranged to be the assistants for tutoring. Conduct teaching in small classes with 25 persons in each class, the excellent teachers are employed to be the head teacher, besides, one outstanding psychological mentor is arranged for every 50 students to take charge of the moral education and psychological tutoring, meanwhile the entrance guidance teachers are also equipped for the students.
① 填写入学申请表,需由父母陪同并签字;
② 户口本/身份证/护照查验原件、提交复印件;
③ 2寸近期彩色照片2张;
④ 成绩审核、测试费人民币300元(外籍学生100澳币或等值人民币);
⑤ 应届高一转学学生需提供当地中考成绩单原件、现就读学校在读证明;
转学插班生:面向全招收“普通高中” 及“际班”转学插班生(可进入学分转换体系)
接待时间:09:00 - 16:00
学生高中三年学习结束后取得ATAR(Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)成绩,该成绩按照澳大利亚都堪培拉教育局制定的教学大纲和评价体系评定,且以学生三年的学业过程为依据进行评价。各项考核合格后学生可取得澳大利亚高中毕业证书,享受澳大利亚高中同等毕业生待遇。我们的学生在申请墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、多伦多大学、牛津大学、哈佛大学等以英语为母语的世界一流大学有大的竞争优势。
9-12年课程设置Curriculum for Grade 9-12
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
核心必修课程(课程标准) Core required courses (national curriculum standard) | ESL(英语为二语言的语言课程) ESL (English as a Second Language) | ESL(英语为二语言的语言课程) ESL (English as a Second Language) | ESL(英语为二语言的语言课程) ESL (English as a Second Language) | ESL(英语为二语言的语言课程) ESL (English as a Second Language) |
英语综合技能 Integrated English skills | 英语综合技能 Integrated English skills | 英语 English | 英语 English | |
数学基础 Foundations of mathematics | 数学基础 Foundations of mathematics | 数学方法 Specialist Methods | 数学方法 Specialist Methods | |
数学语言 Mathematical linguistics | 数学语言 Mathematical linguistics | 高等数学 Specialist Mathematics | 高等数学 Specialist Mathematics | |
核心基础课程(课程标准) Core foundation courses(national curriculum standard) | 中文(做为外语) Chinese (as the foreign language) | 中文(做为外语) Chinese (as the foreign language) | 澳洲中文学 Advanced Chinese | 澳洲中文学 Advanced Chinesee |
科学 Science | 科学 Science | 物理/会计 Physics/Accountancy | 物理/会计 Physics/Accountancy | |
必修/选修课程(注册课程) Possible elective courses (registered courses) | 法语/西班牙语 French/Spanish | 法语/西班牙语 French/Spanish | 法语/西班牙语 French/Spanish | 法语/西班牙语 French/Spanish |
书法(硬笔/软笔) Calligraphy (hard pen/soft pen) | 书法(硬笔/软笔) Calligraphy (hard pen/soft pen) | 绘画艺术 The art of painting | 绘画艺术 The art of painting | |
音乐/戏剧 Music/Drama | 音乐/戏剧 Music/Drama | 音乐/戏剧 Music/Drama | 音乐/戏剧 Music/Drama | |
IT/视觉艺术 IT/Visual arts | IT/视觉艺术 IT/Visual arts | IT/视觉艺术 IT/Visual arts | IT/视觉艺术 IT/Visual arts | |
心理学 Psychology | 心理学 Psychology | 指导 College counseling | 职业规划 Career planning | |
澳洲历史 Australian History | 澳洲地理 Australian Geography | 澳洲社会学 Australian Sociology | 澳洲社会学 Australian Sociology | |
实操课程 Hands-on training | 马术、西点、高尔夫、龙舟、插花、茶道、陶艺等等 Equestrian, western food, golf, dragon boat, flower arrangement, tea ceremony and ceramics, etc. |