Paper 1:Further Pure Mathematics 1
| Paper 3: Further Mechanics
Compulsory for A level |
Paper 2: Further Pure Mathematics 2
| Paper 4: Further Probability &Statistics
· Paper 1(Further Pure Mathematics 1)
在Paper 1里新增了3部分内容,有理函数的图像的变化与矩阵的线性变换。难度系数变简单,和原来的知识点更有连贯性。
· Paper2 (Further Pure Mathematics 2)
Paper 2开始一次新增加了双曲函数,增加了反三角函数的积分和求导,这样让学生在学STEP 3时不突出,微分方程里又新增加了对于一阶微分方程的计算的考试,原来在CIE中只需要理解不考试。而IB HL里需要考察。
Activity 1:Expections from the course (同样也可以问问学生)
· what aare you expectations from this course?
· what knowledge do you want to gain from the course?
· write it on post-its and place them on the board.
Activity 2: What are your stratgies?
In small groups,discuss different teaching strategies and techniques you have used in class?
· How effective wre they?
· why did (or didn't) they work?
also reflect on what aspects you take into account when deciding what teaching strategy to use with a particular class.
Make it list.
Share your thoughts with the other group?
Activity 3:This is the answer, what is the question?
a) write a question worth 6 to 8 marks,using the equation
b) wrtie a mark scheme for you question.
Activity 4:Planning a lesson
· work in small groups(two or three people) to plan an 45-50 minute lesson which you can use.
· the lesson can be on a topic that you are either teaching or plan to teach.
· try to incorporate more than one teaching strategy.
· Assessment for learning
§ any possible misconceptions students might have and how you are going to deal with them
§ what you want to assess specifically for that lesson
§ how you want to do it,e.g,using mini-boards,by asking key questions.
§ try to be as detailed as possible,e,g, write down the key questions.
Activity 5: Here is the function, what are the questions?
try to use as many different techniques as possible.
Activity 6: make up your own questions
add questions to your lesson plan
try to use as many different techniques as possible.
Activity 7: Giving feedback through marking
For each exercise:
· Mark it and correct any errors
· add comment
§ Identifying possible misconceptions
§ suggest ideas how to avoid similar errors
§ give constructive suggestions that can be put in practice straight away.