
雅思口语|Elon Mask是解锁本季人物类难度题关键










1. 敬佩的商人

Describe a business person that you admire

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What kind of business he or she does
• And explain why you admire him or her

2. 有趣的外国人

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What the person is like
• And explain why you think the person is interesting

3. 有创造力的人

Describe a creative person whose work you admire

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What creative things he/she done
• And explain why you think he/she is creative

4. 机智解决问题的人

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say:

• Who the person is
• What the problem was
• How he/she solved it
• And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

5. 感兴趣的名人

Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What he/she was like before being famous
• And explain why you are interested in the person





比如Elon Mask, 他创造了Tesla, 这种新能源汽车,为此他是一个有创造力的人,而他的这一想法也为环境爱护做出了贡献,减少了尾气排放的同时,也减少了能源的消耗。


为此,乔布斯、扎克伯格、比尔盖茨等通通可成为套题的人选,从本质来看,跟本文中提到的Elon Mask没有任何本质区别。

接下去,我就会以Elon Mask为例,来分别讲解每一问需要注意的答题要点。主要以《有趣的外国人》、《有创造力的人》和《解决问题的人》为例。


Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What the person is like
• And explain why you think the person is interesting

• Who the person is


A foreign person that comes to mind is Elon Musk, one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Even though he is not faithful 忠诚的 to his girlfriends and wives, undeniably he has a super-brain. He always solves problems in a smart way.

• How you know (about) the person


As I am not so tech-savvy, I didn’t really know about him until my friend showed me an article about how he created his business empire. I was really intrigued by him and his business. Then I searched for more information about him and now I am a bit of a fan.

• What kind of person he/she is

这个小问需要回答有关其性格部分的内容。我们可以用主次或者时间线的方式来说明。这个小问也对应了《感兴趣的名人》里的第三小问“what the person was like before being famous”。


According to what I have heard, he was diagnosed with paranoia 偏执狂 when he was really young. I think he is also stubborn as a mule 撅得像头驴. When he is determined to do something, no one can change his mind. He is also a complete dreamer and has great vision 有远见. When he comes up with a new concept or plan nothing gets in the way.

• Why you admire him or her


I regard him as one of the most interesting men in the world because of his creativity. He has had so many good plans.

Take Tesla, for example, he is the pioneer of the green car and also promotes it to the whole world. Finally, his idea has made a great contribution to environmental protection.

Another thing that impressed me a lot is that he set up a company called Boring company. It digs tunnels underground to solve the problem of traffic congestion 交通拥堵. He had the idea one day when he was stuck on the road and thought about how much time he was wasting. Even though some people think he is a bit crazy, I reckon only crazy people can make the world a different place.


Describe a creative person whose work you admire

You should say:

• Who the person is
• How you know (about) him or her
• What creative things he/she done
• And explain why you think he/she is creative

• Who the person is

A creative person that comes to mind is Elon Musk, one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Even though he is not faithful to his girlfriends and wives, undeniably he has a super-brain. He always solves problems in a smart way.

• How you know (about) the person

As I am not so tech-savvy, I didn’t really know about him until my friend showed me an article about how he created his business empire. I was really intrigued by him and his business. Then I searched for more information about him and now I am a bit of a fan.

• What creative things he/she done


He has come up with so many creative ideas. The first one that comes to mind is Tesla, the very first green car. Tesla, is incredibly popular and often sells out in seconds.

On top of that, the recycled rocket is another crazy but great idea from him. He set up a company called SpaceX which is for Mars exploration, but he noticed that old used rockets are a big problem for the environment. So he decided to create a rocket that can be reused not only once but many times.

• Why you think he/she is creative

I think he is creative because he is a great dreamer.  He likes to dream wildly and then put his ideas into practice.

He never sees any barriers or limitations and believes that as long as you have the courage to do something, you can pull it off 成功实现.


Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say:

• Who the person is
• What the problem was
• How he/she solved it
• And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

• Who the person is

A person that comes to mind is Elon Musk, one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Even though he is not faithful to his girlfriends and wives, undeniably he has a super-brain. He always solves problems in a smart way.

• What the problem was

这里只能提及他解决的一个问题,为此,我们只需要选择一个商业创举去展开即可。针对Elon Mask,我重点想说的是Tesla,为此,他在这里主要解决就是空气污染问题。接着我们需要进一步阐述空气污染是由什么带来的。

He has come up with many solutions but the most impressive one was how he made a contribution to environmental protection. Because of the surge 猛增 in car numbers, air pollution is higher than ever before. However, it is impossible to ask people to stop using them, as they are handy 方便的 and make people's lives easier.

• How he/she solved it


He designed a new model of car, called Tesla, which is a green car. It uses electricity instead of petrol and people only need to pay a little money for the utilities 水电费. It is such a great idea. When it was launched, it went viral overnight 一夜爆红 and people were crazy about it. They sell so quickly and are often in demand.

• Why you think he/she did it in a smart way

至于为什么是一个“smart way”就需要说明它是如何缓解空气污染这回事情。

I think it was a smart way to help reduce air pollution. As carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 emitted by cars is one of the biggest causes of air pollution, and using electricity can solve this problem completely.

Because of this, even the Chinese government started to promote the production of green cars and also gave huge support to Tesla to develop in China, and now the market is booming, making him even richer.


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