



Describe a kindof food people eat on a special event.

what it is;

why people eatit;

how it iscooked;

and explain whyyou like it.

I’d like to talkabout zongzi which is a traditional food in China. We usually eat it in DragonBoat Festival.

It is saidhundreds of years ago, a man named Quyuan, he drowned himself as a protestagainst being falsely accused of treason. To protect his corpse from beingeaten by fish in the river, people casted zongzi into the river. This customhas been passed on generation by generation, and now we eat zongzi to celebratethis festival.

As to how itcooked, if I remember clearly, people use leaves to wrap sticky rice which ismixed with meat, red dates or egg yolk. Then put all the zongzi into the potwith enough water to steam about 30 minutes. It seems very easy to cook, butit’s hard to learn how to wrap the rice perfectly.

Every time mygrandma cooked zongzi, I always eat as many as possible. Because only when Iwas a little girl/boy, I had the chance to eat zongzi cooked by my grandma. Nowshe has passed away and I can’t eat anymore. For me, zongzi is not only atraditional Chinese food, it only can help remind me of my grandma and her lovefor me.


1.   Do Chinese have some specialfood in special festival?Why its so special?

Of course. As Isaid, we eat zongzi in Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Quyuan and we eatmooncake to celebrate Middle Autumn Festival because it is the symbol ofreunion.

2.   When do you eat special food?

Generally onsome special occasions we will eat special food. For example, we will eatzongzi in Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Quyuan and we eat mooncake tocelebrate Middle Autumn Festival because it is the symbol of reunion.

3.   Does people has to pay a lotof money on food in some special occasion?

I think so.Taking Spring Festival as an example, Chinese always cook much and there arevarious kinds of food, such as pork, fish, beef, and many other vegetables.They think the more dishes you have, the richer the family is and in the nextyear, this family will get good luck. So they are willing to spend much moneyon food.

4.   Why rich people like to eatsome special food?

I guess specialfood can show their wealth and uniqueness. Sometimes special food are expensivebecause of its rarity and the average people can’t afford.

5.   Do you think food are muchbetter than before?

Yes. Comparedwith the past, we can have a larger variety of food and the food are fresherthan before. For example, we can have seasonal vegetables and fruits.  And people have more time and money to spendon food. They care more about nutrition and taste.

6.   How often do you have mealwith your family?

Well, seldom.Because I don’t live in the same city with my parents, so only when I go homewill I eat with them. But I always miss the food my mother cooks.

7.   Do you think its important tohave family meals?

Of course. Ialways enjoy eating with families because I can not only eat the food cooked bymy mom, but also chat with them and share my experience with them.

8.   Have you cook at home?

Never. Because Idon’t know how to cook. Besides, I have to work and study at the same time, soI have little time to cook by myself.  Bythe way, in China, takeout is very convenient. I can choose everything I likeand it will be delivered in a short time.

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