2019-01-23Describesomething you complaint about but satisfied with the result. you should say:
when ithappened
who doyou complain about
why youcomplaint about it
andexplain why you satisfied with the result.
A month ago, I bought a pair of shoesonline. I was really excited when I got the package since I really liked theshoes. However, when I opened the package and tried on the shoes, I found therewas a scratch on one of the shoes. I felt disappointed an contacted the staffin the online shop where I bought my shoes through the APP “taobao”. I told thestaff that there was a scratch on my shoes and I wanted to change another pairof shoes without scratch. At first, the staff refused my proposal and didn’tbelieve me at all. I tried to convince her and even took a photo of my shoes toillustrate the truth. After I talked to her several minutes, she agreed myproposal and gave me a discount to apologize for their carelessness. In theend, I received a pair of new shoes without any scratches. I felt pleasantabout the result even though it spent me a longer time because I got a pair ofshoes I loved and even some discounts. Additionally, the staff had a goodservice for me.
Part 3
1. Do Chinese people like to compliant? Why?
It depends. Some people like to makecomplaint, so they will compliant often. For me, I’m not the kind of personlike to complain unless things are serious. Because i think sometimes we shouldbe tolerant.
2. Are Chinese people reluctant to complainothers? Why?
Actually not. When things are serious,Chinese people will complain without any hesitation. Because when buy somethingor pay for sth, we deserve the service in accordance with the money we pay. Ifthe service is not good, we have the right to complain.
3. Does compliant work? Why?
Generally, it works. Because when acustomer makes complaints, it means the company or staff don’t do well. Theywill listen to the complaint and make things better. Besides, if thesecompanies don’t deal with complains properly, customers will tell others thebad service provided by these companies. As a result, these companies will benotorious. so they will handle complains carefully and try to avoid badreputation.
4. Which way of compliant is better, face toface or written letter? Why?
Personally, I choose face to facecommunication. Because it’s of high efficiency and effectiveness. When we talkface to face, we can make things clear and the company will deal with myproblems immediately instead of putting it off. If I write a letter, thecompany may have the excuses that they didn’t receive the letter or they forgetto deal with it.
5. What would you do if you are not satisfiedwith your complaint result? Why?
I guess I have no other choice but to giveup if my complaint wasn’t handed well. I think I will not buy things in thisshop anymore and tell my friends this shop has bad service.
6. What are people usually complaint about?Why?
Quality of products, I think. Nowadays,people are getting richer and they want to enjoy a life of high quality. Theycare more about quality than other things.
7. Should company respond quickly when facingcustomer complaint? Why?
Absolutely. If companies don’t deal withcomplains as soon as possible, customers will tell others the bad serviceprovided by these companies. As a result, these companies will be notorious. sothey should handle complains carefully and immediately in order to avoid badreputation.