



Describe a person you wantto be similar with when you were child.

You should say: who thisperson is;

how you know him or her;

what this person does;

and explain why you want tobe similar with him or her.

I’d like to talk about my father whom I set asmy model when I was a child. My is an accountant, so he is sensitive to numbersand good at Maths. Although my father is now in his fifties, he looks muchyounger in his age because he has a very healthy lifestyle——never smokes ordrinks and always goes to bed early.

Well as he is my father, I get to know him assoon as I was born.

&4. Now let me tell you why my father hassuch a huge influence on me. He always tells me the stories that happened inhis childhood and those stories really made me proud of him. My father was bornin a disadvantaged family and he realized that only knowledge can change hislife when he was only a little boy. Therefore, he studied very hard and he wasthe first university student in that small village. He was majored in tourism,but later he found that he wanted to be an accountant. So in my childhood, Ialways saw him learning accounting by himself very hard. He did lots ofexercises and read books carefully. At that time I thought my father hasimmersed into accounting. He has the passion to learn everything that he has aninterest in even it is a field totally strange to him. I really appreciate thiskind of spirit and therefore I want to be a person similar to him. I feelgrateful that I have such a good parent. He inspires me to study hard and nevergive up, which actually is essential for everyone during growth. I will alwayslearn from my father and try to inherit everything good from him!


1.     What kinds of people do children in China want tobe similar to when they grow up?

Well it depends on children’s interest. Forexample, for children who like science, they may want to be similar to famousscientists such as Mrs. Curie. For those who like painting, they may seteminent painters like Qi Baishi as their models. To conclude, I think childrenwant to grow into people who are now already famous in the field that childrenare interested in.

2.     Do you think it is good for children and youngpeople to use entertainment stars as models?

It depends. Some entertainment stars are quitehardworking. They have passion in their jobs and spare every effort to improvethemselves so that they can always give the audience the best performance. Ithink it is good to regard them as models because their efforts can motivate usto work hard as well. However, there are also many celebrities who live aluxury live. Every day, they drive prestigious cars, wear expensive clothes butpay little attention to their jobs. Usually those stars have good appearancebut are poor at acting, dancing or singing. If children or other young peopleview them as models, they may also tend to pursue material goods, which shouldbe prevented.

3.     Whydosomecompaniesadvertiseproductsbyusingfamouspeople?

I guess this is because famous people can havea big influence on people. The public tend to trust famous people especiallywhen the celebrity is the one they like or respect. In this case, sales can bepromoted and companies can make more profits, though inviting celebrities toshoot advertisements for a certain product may cost a lot. However, I believethis is worthwhile in the long run.

4.     Do you think this isgood?

Well I think for products which do have goodquality, it is good to do so. Thanks to those advertisements, such products canbe popularized and well-known, which can help to raise our life standard tosome extent. However, if the products being advertised are not good enough, itis certainly not good to do so. Customers would feel cheated and the reputationof the famous people who appeared in the advertisement may also be negativelyinfluenced. In such situation, no one can be benefited.

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