2019-01-221. Do you like towear sunglasses? Why?
2. How often do youwear sunglasses?
3. What kind ofsunglasses you would like to buy?
4. Would you buysunglasses for other people as gift? Why?
5. Have you everlost your sunglasses?
6. Have you everpurchase very expensive sunglasses?
1. Yes, sunglassesare more like accessories for me. It goes with my make-up, and my outfits.
2. I wearsunglasses almost every day, because my hometown always has sunny weather.
3. I’d like to buysome fashionable sunglasses from high-fashion brands, which follow trends butnot too expensive.
4. Sure, I thinksunglasses can be a perfect gift for others, especially for ladies. Sunglassesis very useful and people can wear it every sunny day.
5. I lost one of mysunglasses last summer, which is a gift from my best friend. I was hurried formy plane and lost it on the taxi.
6. No, I don’t think it’s worth it. Because Iuse sunglasses as accessories to go with my outfits and I will buy latest everyseason.