1. You kick ass. 你太厉害了。
2. You're a really strong person. 你有股坚韧不拔的劲头。
3. You read a lot. 你知识面真广。
4. You're really good at what you do. 你工作做得不错。
5. Your work on that project was incredible. 你那个项目完成得非常好。
6. You're beautiful/gorgeous. 你真好看。
7. You're wearing a nice skirt. 你这条裙子挺美。
8. Your hair looks amazing. 你发型好了。
9. I love your nails. 我喜欢你染得这个指甲。
10. What's your skin regimen? 你是怎么养皮肤的?
11. You look so healthy. 你看起来阳光健康。
12. I love your cooking. 你做东西真好吃。
13. Can you share your salad recipe with me? 能把你做这道沙拉的秘方告诉我吗?
14. You're a great listener. 你是个很好的倾听者。
15. You inspire me. 你激励了我/你是我的榜样。
16. You are an amazing friend./You are such a good friend. 有你这样的朋友真好。
17. I love talking with you. 我喜欢跟你聊天。
18. You have really pretty eyes. 你的眼睛真美。
19. You are one of a kind. 你是一无二的。
20. Your strength of character impresses me. 你性格的力量感染了我。
21. As long as we are together, the destination does not matter. 只要旅途能跟你在一起,我不在乎终点是哪儿。
22. You make me want to be a better person. 因为你,我想成为更好的人。
23. I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time. 我爱看你笑,你的笑让我的心情一整天都充满阳光。