阅卷考官经常是不会看那些图表的,因此文章必须逻辑清晰,如果描述得能令人在脑海里画出那个 data chart,这篇Task1无疑会达到8分的水平。开篇的首句话可以是一句高度概括性的 introduction(当然开门见山地直接描述也是一种写法)这样做不仅使文章更于完美,而且可以达到凑字数的目的(但不要照抄题目,因为这样不会给分!)接下来另起一段开始进行描迷(根据实际情况写1-2段),这当中经常要连续使用非限定性定语从句,从而使得描述过程流畅、清晰。之后也可再另起一段进行简短的综(并非必须)上述的任何一个步都要循依据现有data进行客观描述的原则,任何推测性或议论性的内容写得再多、再精彩不但不会加分,而且还会成为扣分的因素。流程图关键是看懂图,分清逻辑关系,而用词和结构与其他图表没有太大的差别。
这是一个常用流程图,考试中不管怎么变换,核心的描写思路是不变的,请参考下面的范文。The flow chart illustrates clearly how the English test papers are processed at the University of Oxford.From the chart, we can see that after the papers are collected, the reading and listening papers are marked by an administrator and then they are collated. In the meantime, the writing papers, on the other hand are treated differently. After their collection, the writing papers are marked by an external examiner. After this, the produced marks are then sent to an administrator for collation while the exam papers are sent to an examination board. The board(sometimes is called the committee)then decides which papers need to be reassessed and which ones need to be storedThe flow chart demonstrates plainly the marking procedures for English language testing at the University of Oxford. Reading and listening papers re collated after being marked by an administrator, while writing answer papers after being marked are sent to The examination committee stored or reassessed.流程图的写作,审题是首步也是重要的一步。遇到这样的题目,你所要做的就是按照图上所列的内容按部就班地描述。你有可能对图中的内容并不熟悉,但是雅思考试从不测试考生对某个区域的专业知识,所以如果你有不认识的词汇,只要清楚过程,一样可以漂亮地完成这项写作任务。